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Geomessage a point of interest

A point of interest (POI) is a single point placed on the map to mark a single location, event, or other static feature on the map. POIs are added directly to the mission map and do not use the draw tools used to create lines or polygons.

Create a POI

  1. Locate the place on the map where you want to add a POI.
    Zoom in for higher precision.
  2. Long press the screen at the desired point for at least one second.
    A magnifier with a reticle appears, allowing you to place this point accurately.
  3. Release the long press.

    A pin drops onto the map at the specified location and a banner appears at the bottom of the screen. The Add to Map button becomes visible.

The banner displays the title of the point and address information. The default title is Dropped Pin. Tapping on the banner expands it and displays the Details and What's Here tabs.

  • The Details tab contains the address and coordinates for the pin, displayed in the decimal degrees coordinate format.
  • The What's Here? tab displays any pop-ups that have been previously created in ArcGIS Explorer.

If you decide not to add the point, tap the map and the point will not be stored.

Add to Map is only displayed after dropping a POI onto the mission map. No POI is saved unless it's added to the map using this button. When Add to Map is tapped, the banner at the bottom of the screen expands, displaying the following options:

  • Title
  • Take Photo
  • Attach
  • Notes
  • Send To
  • POI Color

To cancel the process and remove your point and all changes you have made to it, tap Cancel. To undo a change without removing the point, tap Back. To save and send a POI, tap the check mark, regardless of whether any of the following customization choices are made.

Title a POI

The default title of any POI is Point of Interest, but you can change the title of a POI by completing the following steps:

  1. Create a POI.
  2. Tap Add to Map.
  3. Tap the Title field.
  4. Type a new title.

You can continue to customize your POI or you can tap the check mark to finalize your POI and add it to the map.

Take a photo of a POI

To take a photo of a POI, complete the following steps:

  1. Create a POI.
  2. Tap Add to Map.
  3. Tap Take Photo.
  4. Use your device's photographic capabilities to capture a photo.
  5. Tap OK when you are satisfied with your photo.

Your photo appears if it has been successfully added to the POI. Multiple photos can be added to a single POI. You can continue to customize your POI or you can tap the check mark to finalize your POI and add it to the map.

Attach a file to a POI

To attach a file to a POI, complete the following steps:

  1. Create a POI.
  2. Tap Add to Map.
  3. Tap Attach.
  4. Your device's file manager opens, allowing you to search through the files on your device.
  5. Tap the file you want to add.

The file appears if it has been successfully added to the POI. Multiple files can be added to a single POI. You can continue to customize your POI or you can tap the check mark to finalize your POI and add it to the map.

Add notes to a POI

Notes, such as a summary, description, or incident report can be written as part of a POI. To include notes with the POI, complete the following steps:

  1. Create a POI.
  2. Tap Add to Map.
  3. Tap Notes.
  4. Fill in the Notes field.

When your note is complete, you can continue to customize your POI or you can tap the check mark to finalize your POI and add it to the map.

Send a POI to others

A POI can be placed directly on the map, or it can be sent to specific mission members or teams. To send a POI, complete the following steps:

  1. Create a POI.
  2. Tap Add to Map.
  3. Tap the Overflow button.
  4. Tap Send to.
  5. Select the recipients. Multiple mission members or teams can be selected. The search bar at the top can be used to find or filter the lists of teams and members.
  6. Tap Select at the bottom of the page.

You can continue to customize your POI or you can tap the check mark to finalize your POI and add it to the map.

Change the color of a POI

The default color for a POI is orange, but you can change it by completing the following steps:

  1. Create a POI.
  2. Tap Add to Map.
  3. Tap the Color button next to the title.
  4. Tap the desired color.

You can continue to customize your POI or you can tap the check mark to finalize your POI and add it to the map.